Sunday, July 30, 2006

My dirty little secret

Everyone's got one. If you've seen the music video by the All-American Rejects, you'll know that they range from completely absurd ("I only love two of my children") to the downright strange ("I like to smell my own poop"). I'm here today to confess my very own dirty little secret.

That song. I love that song. Most people hate it, but I love it to death.

I listen to it all the time, it's probably one of my most listened to tracks on my MP3 player. When it comes up on my MP3 player in the car, I blast it, but not before I roll up the windows so nobody can hear what I'm rocking to.

There are only two other people I know that love this song; my niece Analyse, and a friend who will remain nameless, because he's also embarassed about it.

There was this one time I was talking with a bunch of friends, and we recounted all the crappy songs making the rounds on the radio. And obviously, "Dirty Little Secret" came up. I remember recoiling into my shell, simply smiling and nodding along.

Long story short, that's my dirty little secret. What's yours?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My first blogger post

I used to have an MSN Space. It was popular, it enjoyed high traffic, it nearly levelled Microsoft's servers in a few scant weeks. But amidst all of that popularity, unbeknownst to me, I was being held down. A friend of mine informed me that I would enjoy even more traffic and exposure over here on Blogger, that I was being held back by MSN Space.

So I moved. Whereas that one was the Worstest Blog in the Whole Wide World, this one is easily the Bestest.

And this is my first post.

Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it rivetting? I think so.

So what do I talk about here that the other 497803462 blogs don't bother to discuss? Well, everybody else talks about what's on their mind and what they're thinking, but what about my thoughts, and what's on MY mind? I think we can all agree that my thoughts and opinions should carry more weight than the average person's.

Unfortunately, it's 1:18 my time, so instead of the usual mundane thoughts, I'm thinking about bed.