At the Kids Inaugural "We Are The Future" concert, Miley Cyrus (above, with Daddy Billy Ray; previous Miley posts) was one of the main performers; Michelle and the kids excitedly taking pictures of this Disney slave (see below video). She wore a Bob Dylan (in DK post; he was MK'd) T-Shirt with the lyrics (totally ironic, actually not; actually "the times they are a'changin"... just not in the positive way people think ;) from his third album of the same name; then wearing a red dress. The background, 3 circular screens projecting images of little children and such looked like they were supposed to be representing magic mirrors (and also sun symbolism).

"We Are The Future" [most of the events' performers are Disney slaves, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato etc] Very much a Disney event, the Obamas are a Disney family; Barack's rise to power was done using illusion, false-promises... having a man-child in office for the past 8 years didn't hurt either, but it should be obvious that Obama is an infinitely more dangerous puppet than George W ever was.

This is your tween's future... (click, check out her eyes; + very symbolic with Iron Maiden electroshocks/pentagram/etc, she went to buy a purple orchid on this "trip" ;)

Miley the leopard.

All images are from Miley Model 2009 [the peacock eye/etc one from the Dita post is also]; she took another dissociative trip to 'Millions of Milkshakes' (all these paparrazi trips are ritualized) in the exact same (from Miley Mouse Club post) fucking 'happy-trance' as last time ;p.

Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall - Official Video -
Randomly post her latest music video for Fly On The Wall (note Los Angeles, Friday Night Frights: Double Feature, everyone turns into a paparazzo [Oz + base-programmer Papa (dad) Paparazzo]... there is no escape from Papa (Billy Ray)/ Oz, chasing her with strobe/flashing lights (as I've said before keeps the MK'd celebs constantly dissociated and such), not sure but I think her black wrist thing has a skull and bones on it... and of course the finale where she goes on and on without realizing she is still being watched (state she exists in in reality), and the website WOW|MOM symbolic. Video is quite educational on the role of the paparazzi in MK actually. And below is from the Hannah Montana movie, with standard MK (amusement park rides and such) which she randomly introduces inside a barn (dehumanization).

"Must... not... do... Horns..." (she usually does, not on this concert though for some reason; seems like it would have been very appropriate!)

Scarlet lady Miley in the spotlight.

Clearer view of Bob Dylan reference (+ background lots of point within a circle within circles usage), the album itself containing MK suggestive songs (i.e 3:33 long 'Only a Pawn in Their Game') at inauguration party infront of Michelle and the kids.

Speaking of Corporate Slaves in Red Dresses; Dana Perino's appearances on the Daily Show have always intrigued me (how the 'other side' rationalizes their thinking), aside from the fact that she's fucking delightful... this final message from the white house is funny because it's true (I doubt the affluent liberal/Obama robots that always make up TDS' crowd get the true significance).
Another TDS one with Hillary dissociating, JS not-so-subtly referencing MK with her needing an electroshock dog-collar (I remember an earlier video with some weird dog-candidate debate thing; all about dehumanization).
Colbert Report [btw, Daily Show and Colbert are definitely just as controlled as everything else] on the criminal puppet media of the past.
Colbert Report [btw, Daily Show and Colbert are definitely just as controlled as everything else] on the criminal puppet media of the past.
Colbert vid: With JFK 'Sex With Marilyn'/Bay of Pigs image just before the bit on torture + Bill Clinton sex reference [imagine going into the Oval Office with a black light!]) going into torture (the 24 [MK=13+11=24] clip I remember literally laughing at when I saw it on the show, such blatant propaganda) and how the perception of it has been changed. Checkout John King announcing Barack is to usher in the New World Order on Colbert (which we all knew already) I also noticed at the time, over at Dedroidify also agree with his little post on Obamas speech, as always Secret Sun's coverage of such things is mind blowing.

All Hail the Puppet in Chief!
Edit: Added the above one too, Dick Cheney + white kitten added, George Bush Snr (who btw got into office defeating Michael Dukakis [in the 1988 election], whose wife is an electroshocked Kitty [used in a debate in a nasty way too: "Governor, if Kitty Dukakis (his wife) were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?"] all elections are fixed, total farces [Dukakis/Gore/Kerry/etc knew they were supposed to lose], there has never been a legit one in America [it's worse in the UK mind; a pointless exercise in 'choosing' between two of their puppets])... + Crowley's daughter (maybe [or not]; they do look somewhat similar [edited, interesting link here btw]) Barbara Bush in purple + some other stuff (UK get's it 24 hours late, I'll probably edit this one again). And Bush/Obama comparison below of their blatantly scripted rhetoric (the embed codes are insane now, damn Viacom ;S). Not sure which video it's in (probably above) but the way the preacher says 'Sasha' and t'other are spoken in an obviously suggestive tone.

All Hail the Puppet in Chief!
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