Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sex, God, and Marriage study guide

                     Study 1: Introduction
                         Getting Ready
Reflect on the book's title. What images, adjectives, or thoughts
come to your mind? What does the title suggest to you? Does it
raise any questions in your mind? Does anything about the de-
sign particularly strike you?

                           Digging In
1. What do you learn about purity from Mother Teresa's Fore-
   word? Is it positive or negative? How is purity obtained?
   What can it bring?
2. Can you think of any examples of how people today are
   searching for lasting and meaningful relationships?
3. How have you experienced the "bad fruits" of the sexual
   revolution in your own life?
4. Is living a pure life old-fashioned? Does such a life seem im-
   possible or irrelevant today?
5. Arnold asks a series of questions beginning at the top of
   page xv. Do any of these particularly strike you?

                        Making It Count
1. On page xv Arnold suggests several ways we can protect
   purity. One is to provide ongoing support to married
   couples around us. Think of a couple you know and ask
   God to show you a practical way in which you might show
   them that you support their marriage.
2. As a group, discuss the idea of a "pledge of purity." What
   kinds of things can you pledge together to ensure an atmo-
   sphere of purity in your group and in your individual lives?
   What can you agree upon before you move ahead in your
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           Study 2: In the Image of God
                        Getting Ready
1. Think about the different images people try to project. List
   some of these. What do these images hope to accomplish?
   What kind of responses do they try to evoke?
2. In contrast to the above, describe the kind of person who in-
   spires love, gentleness, kindness, affirmation, respect, open-
   ness, loyalty, and trust in others. What kind of "image" does
   such a person project? What kind of person is he or she?

                          Digging In
1. Read the first chapter of Genesis with the intent of finding
   its "inner, true meaning" (p. 3). Do you see any kind of pro-
   gression? Why do you think humankind comes last?
2. What sets human beings apart from the rest of creation?
   What is it that makes us "images" of God? (See also Gen.
   9:4­7; Ps. 8; Col. 3:5­10; Eph. 4:20 ­24.)
3. Because we are image-bearers of God, what value do we
   and others have? Why can't human worth be measured?
4. Why is it significant that man and woman together reveal the
   meaning of being created in God's image? What does it tell
   you about man and woman's relationship with each other?
5. What does it mean that God has "set eternity in our hearts"?
   (p. 4) How should this affect the way we live and what we
   live for?
6. What happens to a person who denies that God is his or her
7. Arnold refers to the voice of eternity as being our con-
   science. What does our conscience do? (For further reflec-
   tion, consider the following: Can we always rely on our
   consciences? What kinds of things can cloud, weaken, or

    dull our conscience? (See also Rom. 2:14­16; 1 Sam. 25:26­
    34; Rom. 9:1; 1 Cor. 4:1­5; 8:7­13; 2 Cor. 4:1­2; 1 Tim. 4:2;
    Titus 1:15; Heb. 9:14.)
8. Why do you think consumerism is a special danger to the
9. In what areas of life do you find it hard to determine right
   from wrong, or to discern good from evil? Why?
10. According to Arnold, what are some ways God's image is
    defaced today? Can you think of any others?
11. If our destiny is to reflect God's image, what kind of person
    should we strive to become? (See 2 Cor. 3:17­18; 4:4­6;
    Rom. 8:29.) What image have you been pursuing?

                       Making It Count
1. Imagine, for a moment, that you are kneeling by a beauti-
   fully clear pool. Now think of a person you have difficulty
   getting along with. Have them stand beside you so that their
   reflection is next to yours. What kind of feelings or reac-
   tions do you have?
2. Now imagine Jesus standing next to you. How would you
   feel? Why?
3. If we are all created in the image of God, we need to see
   each other as reflections of Jesus ­ the most vivid expres-
   sion of God we know. Go back, mentally, to the person you
   have trouble getting along with. How have you not shown
   him or her the respect, appreciation, love, or reverence, that
   befits him or her as a reflection of God? What needs to
   change in you to better acknowledge this person's dignity?
4. Arnold says that to view others in light of their usefulness is
   to disregard their worth or dignity. Discuss this as a group
   and identify any ways this has been true in your life or
   among yourselves. How can you guard against this?
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                Study 3: It Is Not Good
                  for Man to Be Alone
                         Getting Ready
Think about the ways people isolate themselves from each
other. What means do people use ­ what walls do people hide
behind ­ to keep others at bay?

                           Digging In
1. Notice the chapter title. The word "good" can be used in
   several senses. Why and in what ways is it not "good" for us
   to be alone?
2. Arnold says that "there is little that is so difficult for a per-
   son to bear as loneliness" (p. 9). What really causes loneli-
   ness, and why is it so unbearable?
3. Arnold asserts that "thousands of people lead lives of quiet
   desperation" (p. 10). What do you think he means or is re-
   ferring to?
4. Why does love alone fulfill our innermost being? What
   kind of love fulfills our hearts and makes us happy? (See 1
   John 4:7­17.) Why is "being connected with others" not
   enough to fill the void within us?
5. Read Genesis 2:15­23. Why did God create woman? From
   this passage, what do you learn about the way man and
   woman are to relate to one another?
6. What do you think Arnold means by being freed from our
   one-sidedness? (p. 13) How might you be too one-sided?
   Can you go to someone who knows you well and ask them
   to share with you any ways you might be one-sided?
7. If God is the source and the object of true love, what does
   this say about human relationships? What purpose do they
   ultimately have? What purpose do your relationships serve?

8. Arnold says that marriage is not the highest goal of life and
   that by itself it cannot bring wholeness (p. 13). In what ways
   does our society put too much stock in getting married? In
   what ways do you?

                        Making It Count
1. Purity and community actually go hand in hand. The more
   inwardly isolated we are from one another the more vulner-
   able we are to impurity. How can you make your life more
   communal ­ more shared, more interdependent?
2. Even in a group, one can feel lonely or "alone." One of
   the ways to overcome this problem is for each member
   to feel needed. How can you as a group become more inter-

                     Study 4: They Shall
                     Become One Flesh
                         Getting Ready
Think about a marriage you know and admire. What qualities
does it possess? Contrast these qualities with the way the media
portrays relationships. What does the media (TV, video, mov-
ies, etc.) exalt when it comes to marriage? What makes a good

                          Digging In
1. According to Arnold, what makes marriage sacred (some-
   thing that is holy and to be treated with reverence)? What
   does it symbolize?
2. Arnold urges us to have more "reverence" for marriage.
   Where in your life have you mocked or degraded marriage?
3. Think about God's relationship with his people. What does
   this tell you about a true marriage? (For further study, see
   Exod. 2:24, 6:4­5; Deut. 4:31; 7:8­ 9; 31:1­8; 1 Kings 8:23­
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    24, 56­58; Ps. 89:1­8, 94:14; 119: 89 ­ 91; 132:11­12; Hos.
    2:19­20; Matt. 28:20; 1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 6:10 ­19.)
4. Why is adultery such a horror in God's eyes? How does it
   deface God's image? What does Jesus say about adultery?
   (Matt. 5:27­30)
5. Why does Arnold believe that the institution of marriage is
   teetering on the brink of disaster (p. 16)? Can you think of
   other reasons?
6. Arnold says that all of us yearn to be united to somebody
   (p. 16). What kind of "unity" is he referring to?
7. From what Arnold writes, describe what makes up a true,
   fulfilling marriage. What adjectives does he use?
8. What are the different levels of unity in God's order of mar-
   riage? (p. 18) What are your relationships mostly based on?
9. Why does marriage alone fulfill the demands of our sexual
10. Why is it so important that God be the center of marriage?
    Won't God get in the way?

                      Making It Count
1. Choose one relationship in your life where you feel the or-
   der of God's unity is skewed, or backwards. Ask God to
   show you how to get your priorities straight. Perhaps a
   relationship needs a "time out" until it can be based on a
   proper foundation. If you are married, does your marriage
   reflect God's order of unity? If not, how? Perhaps you need
   to go to someone you respect and ask for their help.
2. Marriage is continually mocked and degraded in our cul-
   ture, sometimes subtly, sometimes not. Discuss this as a
   group. Can you make a "pledge of reverence" together,
   where you as a group take a stand against anything that be-
   littles or cheapens marriage?

                     Study 5: The First Sin
                          Getting Ready
Review the first two chapters of Genesis and consider the
world God originally made? How is our present world differ-
ent? Compare and contrast these two worlds.

                           Digging In
1. How does Arnold describe God's original creation? What
   does he emphasize?
2. Read Genesis chapter 3 carefully. What, exactly, was Adam
   and Eve 's sin? How does Arnold describe the first sin?
3. What resulted from the first sin? What is Satan's ultimate
4. What, according to Arnold, happened to the image of God
   in man and woman?
5. What does Arnold mean when he says that Adam and Eve
   were "deceived by a false love"? (p. 23) Has this ever hap-
   pened to you?
6. Arnold says that "Adam and Eve's first sin symbolizes the
   fall of each one of us" (p. 25). How so? How have you been
   "Adam" or "Eve" in your life?
7. All of us struggle with doubt and temptations. How can
   Jesus help? (See Matt. 4:1­11; Heb. 2:14­18; 4:14­16.)

                         Making It Count
1. Think of a relationship you have that has become estranged
   or broken. Think about the reasons for this. Think espe-
   cially of the ways your sin (pride, mistrust, accusations, im-
   pure motives, etc.) has contributed to its downfall. Go to
   someone you have hurt and share with him or her how you
   have sinned. Can you ask him or her for forgiveness?
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2. Arnold writes: "Satan still wants to separate us from God,
   from our brothers and sisters, and from our neighbor" (p.
   22). Share how you might be feeling most vulnerable in
   these areas ­ especially among yourselves as a group. How
   do you feel most tempted to doubt and thus become sepa-
   rated from God and from others? After you share, spend
   time praying for each other.

                   Study 6: Restoring
                   the Image of God
                        Getting Ready
1. Imagine for a moment that every mirror in the world were
   shattered, and that everyone wore severely cracked glasses.
   Describe such a world.
2. Now imagine that, after many years, you happened across a
   beautiful mirror and a pair of perfectly good glasses. For the
   first time, you see yourself and others as you truly are. How
   might you respond or react? What would happen if you
   tried to tell others about this?

                          Digging In
1. Because of the Fall, Arnold says that we have only a faint
   reflection of God's image. How does God, through Jesus,
   restore his image in us? How is Jesus "God's reconciler"?
   (See Rom. 5:12­19; Eph. 2:11­19; Col. 1:15­23.)
2. What, exactly, does Jesus' death accomplish? How does it
   heal and mend God's image in us? (See Heb. 7:18­28, 9:11­
   28; Eph. 2:1­11; Col. 2:9­15; Titus 3:3­8.)
3. What kind of new life can one find in Jesus? (See p. 32 and 2
   Cor. 5:17; Rom. 7:4­6; Phil. 3:20 ­21; Eph. 4:20 ­24; 1 Pet.

4. For our part, Arnold says, "We can never redeem ourselves
   or better ourselves by our own strength" (p. 29). What does
   Arnold suggest we can do? (See Acts 2:37­40; Rom. 10:9 ­
   13; John 1:10 ­13; 3:1­21.)
5. Why is confession of sin so important? (See 1 John 1:9.)
6. Arnold points out that in Christ our consciences can be
   stirred and set free. Is God speaking to your conscience in
   any specific way?
7. Arnold says that "It is the life-task of every person to pre-
   pare to meet God" (p. 33). Are you prepared for this even
   now? If not, why not? Is there anything preventing you
   from coming to Jesus and surrendering to him?
8. To have God's image restored in your life means being
   "hidden in Christ," who is himself the very image of God.
   Read Colossians 3:1­17. What does having God's image re-
   stored involve?

                        Making It Count
1. The beginning of freedom and reconciliation comes,
   Arnold says, "whenever we confess the accusations of our
   conscience" (p. 29). As Darlene's story illustrates, there is
   nothing more healing than when sin is confessed openly to
   another person and repented of. (See James 5:16; Gal. 5:1; 2
   Cor. 7:10.) Go to your pastor or to someone you trust and
   share openly the sins that burden your conscience and sepa-
   rate you from God.
2. Some sins need to be confessed corporately because of the
   specific ways they harm the group. Spend time in quiet re-
   flection to consider whether or not you need to share any-
   thing with your small group that has separated you from it
   or has brought in a spirit of separation. If there is, express it
   in a spirit of humility and repentance.
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                Study 7: Sexuality and
                 the Sensuous Sphere
                        Getting Started
Answer the following questions. Write down the number of the
category you feel best expresses your thoughts or feelings.
0 Agree
1 Not Sure
2 Disagree
1. The Bible has a generally negative view of sex and the
   body. _____
2. A truly spiritual person foregoes sensual pleasures. _____
3. Sex itself is dangerous. _____
4. Sex should be unimportant in a godly marriage. _____
5. The material world is an obstacle to the spirit. _____
6. The basic purpose of sex is for having children. _____
7. Lust, gluttony, self-indulgence all fall in the same
   category. _____
8. The best way to control one's sexuality is through the
   strength of moral compulsion. _____
9. In a healthy approach to sex, one should feel no
   shame. _____
10. Our greatest sins usually occur in the misuse of our
    senses. _____
Total your score. If, for example, you have marked four of your
responses as "disagree" (2 points each), five "agree" (0 points
each), and one "not sure" (1 point), then your total score would
be 9 points. A score of 20 reflects the most biblical perspective
on sex and the sensuous.

                          Digging In
1. What, exactly, belongs to the "sensuous sphere?"
2. Arnold states that "In and of itself there is nothing wrong
   with the sensuous sphere of the senses" (p. 35). Why? What
   reasons does he give?
3. What do you learn about the sensuous sphere from the fol-
   lowing passages? Ps. 24:1; Tim. 4:1­5; Rom. 1:18­20; Rom.
   12:1; Matt. 6:10; Matt. 6:28 ­33; Cor. 4:7­18; Cor. 10:31
4. If "the physical is not the real enemy of the spirit" (p. 35),
   then what is? (For further study, see John 2:15­17; Rom.
   6:11­14; 13:11­14; Gal. 5:13­18.)
5. How can the sensuous sphere bring us close to God and to
   each other?
6. What happens when the sensuous becomes an end in itself?
7. What makes the sexual life unique? How is it different from
   other areas of the sensuous?
8. What is the purpose of sexual union? What is involved be-
   tween a husband and wife as they sexually unite?

                       Making It Count
1. The Apostle Peter writes that "a person is a slave to what-
   ever has mastered him" (2 Pet. 2:19). Are you a slave to any
   sensuous passion or to anything else in the sensuous sphere?
2. Choose one area you feel especially weak in and ask God to
   show you how you could replace it with some simple deed
   of love. If you were to try to give up smoking, for instance,
   think of how you could use the money you save to meet an-
   other person's need.
3. Think of each of the five senses and the gifts you enjoy
   because of them. With your group give thanks to God
   in prayer and song for these blessings. Go on an outing
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     together to a place that is especially beautiful. How do your
     thoughts turn to God in this place?

              Study 8: The Pure in Heart
                         Getting Ready
Many people react negatively when they hear the word "pu-
rity." Think about the meaning of the word "pure." What other
similar words come to mind? What kinds of things increase in
value or worth because of their purity?

                           Digging In
1. What phrases or terms does Arnold use to describe purity?
   Which one strikes you most? Why?
2. What does purity bring or accomplish?
3. Describe a person who is "pure of heart." How is such pu-
   rity obtained?
4. Read the following passages. What do they say about ob-
   taining purity? Ps. 24:3­4; Ps. 51:10; 2 Cor. 6:16; 7:1; Titus
   1:15; Titus 2:11­14; 1 John 1:7­ 9; James 3:1­14; 1 Pet. 1:22
5. Arnold quotes Bonhoeffer (p. 45). What do you think Bon-
   hoeffer means when he says that the pure in heart are not
   only undefiled by their own evil but also by their own virtue?
6. What is impurity? What kinds of things accompany impu-
   rity? What happens to a person gripped by impurity?
7. Are purity and impurity restricted to matters pertaining to
8. Why does Arnold say that a marriage certificate is no guar-
   antee of purity?
9. How might sexual purity deepen or intensify a couple's
   sexual experience?

                      Making It Count
1. Arnold asserts that the pure in heart "avoid every situation
   that defiles the soul and abhor the thought of leading others
   into sin" (p. 45). He even warns against any fascination with
   impurity. How is this with you? Have you ever put yourself
   in situations that put your soul or another's soul at risk?
   How can you avoid such situations? Whom can you ask to
   help hold you accountable? Spend time in prayer asking
   God for help. Remember, Christ alone can purify your
2. Arnold emphasizes that "the church community has a great
   responsibility to fight daily for an atmosphere of purity
   among all of its members" (p. 46). Discuss as a group how
   your church or fellowship can fight this battle more faith-
   fully. How about your group? Are there impure spirits or
   attitudes that might have infiltrated it?

        Study 9: Marriage in the Holy Spirit
                        Getting Ready
Think for a moment about the tensions and pressures that test a
marriage, no matter how strong it is. What sort of strains arise,
both from within and from outside the marriage?
How can a couple best withstand these tests?

                          Digging In
1. What things, according to Arnold, attract people to each
   other? Can you think of others?
2. Why are the above reasons insufficient to base a marriage
   relationship on?
3. When Arnold refers to "unity in the Spirit" (p. 52), what
   does he mean? What kind of love does this unity produce,
   and how is this unity different from other ways of being
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4. Why do you think Arnold refers to marriage as encompass-
   ing three levels? (p. 52) Why should the first two levels
   come before the third one?
5. Arnold emphasizes the importance of the unity of the church
   and its members and how this needs to come before every-
   thing else, including marriage. What might this suggest re-
   garding the purpose of marriage? (See John 17:20 ­23.)
6. If marriage is not based in the Holy Spirit, what risks does it
7. How does Arnold address the problem of being married to
   an unbelieving partner or to someone holding to a different
   belief? (For further study, see 1 Cor. 7:12­16; 1 Pet. 3:1­ 6.)
8. In light of this chapter's emphasis on the Holy Spirit, what
   should a couple's priority be as they grow in their marriage?
9. Read and reflect on the following Scripture passages: Acts
   2:24­47; 4:32; Eph. 4:1­3; Phil. 2:1­5; Col. 3:12­17; Rom.
   5:5­7. What would our marriages look like if these passages
   became a reality to us?

                       Making It Count
1. Arnold refers to the different domains of experience that
   typically draw people together: mutual emotions, common
   values, shared ideas, and feelings of good will (p. 51). He
   points out that our first priority should actually lie at the
   spiritual level. Reflect on some of your more important
   relationships ­ especially with the opposite sex ­ and con-
   sider their basis. How can you make them more spiritually
2. If you are married, engaged, or involved in a serious relation-
   ship with someone, think about what it is that really holds you
   together. In order of priority, what is most important in your
   relationship: mutual emotions? common values? shared

    ideas? feelings of good will? physical attraction? spiritual
    oneness? What can you do to set it more firmly on a spiritual
3. Discuss as a group the "quality level" of your relation-
   ships. Do they reflect God's priorities? Outside of formally
   meeting together, what defines and motivates your relation-
   ships with each other? What needs to change to make things

        Study 10: The Mystery of Marriage
                        Getting Ready
Consider the relationship between the body and the head. How
are they different? In what ways do they depend on each other?

                          Digging In
1. Why, according to Arnold, is marriage a church matter and
   not just a private affair?
2. Why does Arnold say that the marriage bond is more than a
   promise or contract between two people? What kind of
   bond is it?
3. If the marriage bond mirrors the mystery of the church,
   what does this mean for a couple if one of the partners
   strays from Christ?
4. How is loyalty to Christ and to the church above one's mar-
   riage actually a protection to one's marriage?
5. Have you ever compromised your faith by going along with
   your partner's sin? How?
6. Arnold explores the similarities and differences of men and
   women. Each have different natures and tasks, but both are
   of equal value in God's eyes. How are men and women dif-
   ferent, yet the same?
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7. Consider the biological differences between men and
   women. How might these help you understand some of the
   spiritual differences?
8. According to Arnold, what does it mean for man to be the
   head in marriage and for woman to submit? What does true
   leadership involve? Are wives to blindly submit? (For fur-
   ther study, see 1 Cor. 7: 3­5; 11:2­26; 1 Pet. 3:1­7; Eph.
   5:21­33; Col. 3:18­21; Titus 2:1­5; Luke 22:24­27; John
9. How are men and women both needed to fulfill the church's
   task? Reflect, again, on the relationship between the head
   and the body. How can this analogy help to explain the rela-
   tionship between husband and wife?
10. Arnold decries our society's obliteration of the differences
    between men and women. How does our society do this?
    What do you feel about this issue?

                      Making It Count
1. Arnold puts great emphasis on the role of the church. Are
   your closer relationships with the opposite sex really based
   in the church? What can you do to make the church more
   important in your relationships?
2. To married men: Have you, as a husband, failed to lead your
   wife in "all that is good"? What can you do to serve her bet-
   ter? Ask your wife to give you her honest feedback.
3. To married women: Have you ever resisted your husband's
   lead? How can you become more submissive to his love?
   Ask your husband for his honest feedback.
4. Arnold says that many men and women avoid the special re-
   sponsibilities given them by God (p. 62). He cites examples.
   Discuss further. Share how this might be true within your
   own group. If your group is mixed, be especially careful to
   listen to what members of the opposite sex have to say.

           Study 11: The Sacredness of Sex
                       Getting Ready
Think about the word "sacred." Look it up in the dictionary.
What are some synonyms for it? How does a person respond
when confronted by the sacred? How is the sacred different
from the ordinary, the mundane? What kinds of things, places,
or experiences might you consider to be sacred?

                         Digging In
1. According to Arnold, what are the two great dangers in sex?
   (p. 65) Have you fallen into either of these? Can you think
   of any other dangers?
2. How can sex, even in marriage, become dangerous? How
   can it lose its noble quality or become selfish?
3. On what condition should a couple sexually unite? What
   kind of experience can a couple have when sex is truly God-
   centered and subordinated under Him?
4. Why does sex have such a forceful effect on the spirit?
5. How should sex be talked about in a marriage?
6. What is the role of prayer in sexual intimacy? Why is it
7. What general responsibilities and considerations should
   husbands and wives have for each other with regard to sex?
Married couples should discuss the following questions alone:
8. In a healthy marriage, the husband and wife should speak
   openly about even the most intimate things. What do you
   need to talk most about with your spouse regarding sex?
9. Does your spouse know what does or does not please you
   sexually? Do you really know what is pleasing to your
   spouse? Why not? Can you find out?
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10. If your sex life has become skewed or unfulfilling, why?
    Talk about this with your spouse, and listen to him or her
11. Are there any ways you have used your spouse merely to
    satisfy yourself? How? What needs to change?
12. How might you and your spouse consider the question of
    abstinence? What might be some good reasons to abstain
    from sexual intimacy for awhile? How should abstinence be

                       Making It Count
1. Our society has virtually lost all reverence for sex. One of
   the ways sex is degraded is talking about it lightly. How is it
   with you when it comes to talking about sex? Do you have
   enough reverence? Can you think of times you spoke too
   lightly about sexual matters? How will you change? Who
   will hold you accountable?
2. If your group is a mixed one, divide up. In many ways, sex is
   a mystery. You may still have questions. Take this time to-
   gether to ask your questions. Maybe you are hurting in some
   way and you need to share with the group your pain. Re-
   member the importance of confidentiality. What is shared
   during this time should not be shared with anyone else.

                Study 12: Parenthood
               and the Gift of Children
                        Getting Ready
Think about all the ways children are a gift. List them.

                          Digging In
1. From your experience, how is the concept of family in dan-
   ger of being lost?

2. Arnold asserts that "modern society despises the family" (p.
   73). What examples does he give? What other ways does
   our society devalue the family?
3. What do you think Arnold means when he says that "only
   the adult who stands like a child before the grace of God is
   fit to raise a child?" (p. 73)
4. On what foundation should a family be built?
5. What are some of the more important responsibilities par-
   ents have toward their children?
6. What can parents do to help make a child feel secure? What
   are things that might make children inwardly uneasy?
7. What are the key ingredients of effective discipline? What
   is true parental authority? Arnold points out that parents
   should lead, not control, their children. What does he
   mean? What is the difference between the two?
8. Arnold warns against unhealthy emotionalism, or false ties
   between parent and child. What do you think he means?
9. How can parents best lead their children to God? What
   should they avoid doing?
10. Arnold says we should reject both the harshness of physical
    punishment and the power of manipulation. What does he
    mean by the latter? Can you cite examples?
11. In raising a family, what role should others in the church

                      Making It Count
Parents, consider the questions below and ask God to show you
one concrete way you need to change.
1. Are you and your spouse united in matters of discipline?
   Are you clear and consistent in what you expect? How could
   you improve in this area?
22                                      S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

2. Do your children feel religious pressure from you? Are you
   in tune with God's purpose for your child, or are you trying
   to squeeze them into some other mold?
3. Is there unhealthy emotionalism or a false dependency be-
   tween you and your child?
Whether or not we are parents, all of us can learn more from
4. Looking at your own life, what place do family and children
   have in it? Do children have an important role in your life?
   How can you live differently so as to make children a more
   central part of your life?
5. What is one thing you can do to establish a more trusting,
   meaningful relationship with a child?
6. Consider how you as a group can do something together for
   some children. Throw a party, take a group of children on
   an outing, or organize a special Sunday school class, etc.

       Study 13: The Purity of Childhood
                        Getting Ready
Jesus said, "Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God
like a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15). Think about
the qualities a little child possesses. What are they? What do
they teach us about how to know God?

                          Digging In
1. How is a child especially close to God? How has this been
   true in your experience?
2. Why is it important to remember that children have both a
   childlike innocence and an inclination to sin?
3. What is involved in protecting and nurturing the atmosphere
   of innocence? Why should we pay attention to a child's
   whole atmosphere?

4. How would you describe the dominant atmosphere of your
   life? Is there anything "unclean," or "child-unfriendly"
   about it?
5. Why is nature ­ God's creation ­ important to a child's
6. Arnold writes, "To protect the purity of children means to
   win them for the good" (p. 84). What does he mean, and
   what does this involve?
7. What is moralism, and why, according to Arnold, is it so
   harmful for a child? (See Eph. 6:4; Col. 2:20 ­22; 3:21.)
8. How does disrespect manifest itself, especially in older
9. Why do you think children form cliques?
10. How should adults, especially parents, deal with the prob-
    lem of sexual impurity in young children? Why should par-
    ents avoid moralism?
11. Why is building trust between parents and young adults so
12. Arnold asserts that "purity can never be fostered in a
    vacuum" (p. 89). What does he mean by this? What can
    young people do to safeguard their purity?

                      Making It Count
1. For Young People: Arnold contrasts cliquishness with the
   importance of having a social conscience. Is your life
   marked more by cliquishness ­ an unhealthy preoccupation
   with your little group of friends ­ than by interacting with
   the needs of others and the issues of our day? Think of
   something concrete you can do to reach out to others. How
   can you get more involved with some of today's important
   issues (homelessness, hunger, environmental issues, pro-life
   causes, prison ministry, etc.)?
24                                      S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

2. For Adults and Parents: Purity is best learned by example
   (p. 88). What do your children see in your life and at home
   that inspires purity in them? Do you set an example in how
   you talk, what you do, what you read and watch, how you
   treat others, how you spend your leisure time, and who you
   interact with? Are you involved with any of the important
   issues of our day? What can you do differently to better
   nurture and protect the purity of your children or the chil-
   dren in your care? Be specific!
3. Trust is a two-way street. Think of a relationship ­ either
   with an adult or young person, in or outside the group ­
   that could use some trust-building. Share your need with the
   group and ask them for ideas on how to build up that trust.

                 Study 14: For Those
                 Considering Marriage
                        Getting Ready
Write down your feelings and thoughts about dating in general.
What values are embedded in today's dating practices? Do you
think dating is a good thing, or do you think there could be bet-
ter ways to get to know a person of the opposite sex? What
might those ways be?

                          Digging In
1. Reflect carefully on the scripture passage Arnold quotes at
   the beginning of the chapter. What kind of person should
   we seek to become?
2. Arnold voices concern over how today's young men and
   women get to know each other. Why? What problems does
   he see in conventional dating?
3. What kind of environment do young people need in order
   to get to know each other? How does your social environ-
   ment compare?

4. On what basis should a more serious relationship be
   formed? What should the decisive factor be?
5. In order for a healthy relationship to grow, what kinds of
   things should a couple concentrate on?
6. When two people become interested in each other, why are
   time and the involvement of others a help?
7. Why do you think most people today pair off and exclude
   parents or other adults?
8. Arnold suggests writing as a good way for a couple to get to
   know one another. How might this be helpful?
9. When does a couple know they are "meant for each other?"
10. Why is sexual involvement before marriage a hindrance to
    the process of learning to know someone fully?

                      Making It Count
1. If pairing off at the exclusion of others is unhealthy, then
   how might you need to change? If you are a young person,
   how can you involve others, especially your parents, in your
   relationships? If you are a parent, how can you make your
   time more available to your children and to the relationships
   they have with others?
2. If conventional dating is not a truly Christian option, then
   how can you as a group better ensure a new way for girls
   and boys, men and women, to get to know each other? Dis-
   cuss some concrete ways you can replace conventional
   dating. What are some of the obstacles?
(Parents: involve the young adults you know in this discussion,
and ask for their input. Young adults: do the same with your
26                                      S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

       Study 15: The Service of Singleness
                        Getting Ready
Marriage is a tremendous gift, but singleness can also be a bless-
ing. Think of all the ways this is true.

                          Digging In
1. If marriage is not our deepest calling, what is? What is the
   greatest gift?
2. Why doesn't singleness have to consign one to loneliness or
3. Is lifelong chastity really possible? How so?
4. What special dangers confront those whose desire for mar-
   riage remains unfulfilled? What must single people avoid
5. If you are single, are you willing to let go of marriage? If
   not, why not? What are some of your fears?
6. Even for those who freely accept their singleness, struggle
   remains. In times of struggle, what can a single person do?
7. Marriage, too, has its burdens. What might they be? (See
   also 1 Cor. 7:32­35.)
8. What can a church do to recognize the gifts and needs of
   single people? Does your church do these things?
9. How can singleness actually become a higher calling?
10. Arnold concludes this chapter by speaking of the "essence
    of single-heartedness, and the service of singleness" (p.
    111). What is he referring to?
11. How can the gift of singleness be a positive challenge to
    those who are married? What must married couples always
    keep in mind?

                      Making It Count
1. For those who are single: Whether you are called to lifelong
   singleness or not, it is clear that our deepest calling is in
   serving Christ and his cause. Do you spend your free time,
   energy, and means in service to Christ and to others? What
   is one thing you can do, precisely because you are single,
   that would be of service to others?
2. For those who are married: As Arnold says, marriage is not
   for building a cozy life. Couples, too, are called to give un-
   conditionally. What is one specific way you can more con-
   sistently reach out to those who are single?
3. If you are a group of mostly singles, discuss ways you can
   do a special service for your church. This could be a practi-
   cal project of some sort, or a more spiritual task. How can
   you accomplish something together?

           Study 16: With or Without God
                        Getting Ready
Think about the ways, apart from marriage, you have learned
about sex. What were the primary influences in your life
as you formed your thoughts about sex? (Your parents? sib-
lings? church? peers? books? films? music? advertisements?)
What attitudes and messages about sex did these people/media

                          Digging In
1. How, according to Arnold, has marriage been "dragged into
   the dirt"? (p. 114)
2. Why does Arnold say that "our age is a loveless age," and
   what examples does he cite to support this? (p. 115)
3. How have we become a sex-obsessed society? What ex-
   amples does Arnold give? Can you think of others?
28                                      S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

4. How has love, for many people, become a delusion?
5. Arnold refers to the devastating aftermath of the sexual
   revolution. What do you think he is referring to?
6. Why does Arnold think that modern sex education is a com-
   plete failure? What are some of his criticisms?
7. Consider your own experiences with classroom sex educa-
   tion. What kind of values and attitudes are communicated?
8. What does true education for the sexual life involve, and
   how should it take place?
9. Does Arnold agree or disagree with the dominant view of
   masturbation ­ that it is healthy and natural? Why? Where,
   according to Arnold, does masturbation lead, and how does
   it harm the soul?
10. If you engage in masturbation, consider whether it really
    makes you happy. Do you feel satisfied, or dissatisfied, after
    masturbating? Has it made you a freer, healthier, more hon-
    est person?
11. Think about Arnold's assertion that the so-called lines be-
    tween pornography, masturbation, one-night stands, and
    prostitution are actually an illusion. Why do you think he
    feels this way? Do you agree?
12. When we give into sexual impurity, we are in danger,
    Arnold says, "of throwing ourselves completely away"
    (p. 121). How? What other things can sexual impurity lead
    to or be connected with? (For further study, see Matt.
    15:19 ­20; Rom. 13:13; Eph. 5:1­ 6; Col. 3:5­ 6; 1 Cor. 5:11;
    6:12­20; Heb. 13:4­5.)
13. Arnold quotes William Bennett, who writes: "There is a
    coarseness, a callousness, a cynicism, a banality, and a vul-
    garity to our time" (p. 117). Can you think of examples?

                      Making It Count
1. How have you "played" with impurity? Where have you let
   yourself be sexually aroused in a selfish way? Will you go to
   a person you trust to help hold you accountable in your ef-
   fort to change? Who? What will you ask this person to do to
   help you? Remember, freedom never comes from one's own
   strength but only through continually turning to God.
2. What can you do as a group to protest the filth that pervades
   society? Don't look for big answers. Concentrate on little
   things you can do to show your concern.

      Study 17: Shameful Even to Mention?
                        Getting Ready
1. Homosexuality is perhaps the most explosive, divisive, and
   controversial issue that confronts the church today. Why do
   you think this is? What is at stake?
2. What feelings and questions do you have about homosexu-

                          Digging In
1. Why is Arnold alarmed by the prevalence of today's homo-
   sexual agenda? What aspects of their agenda should Chris-
   tians resist?
2. Why is gay bashing wrong? What, exactly, does gay bash-
   ing involve?
3. Arnold differentiates between homosexual orientation and
   homosexual conduct. What is the difference, and why is this
   distinction important?
4. How does Arnold respond to those who claim they were
   born gay? Does being "born" homosexual justify homo-
   sexual behavior?
30                                    S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

5. Arnold considers several passages of scripture that con-
   demn homosexual behavior. How do people today try to re-
   interpret these passages in order to justify homosexuality?
6. Arnold dismisses the argument that Scripture condemns
   only "offensive homosexuality" and not homosexuality as
   such. What do the following passages teach? Gen. 19:1­29;
   Lev. 18:22­23; Lev. 20:13; Rom. 1:24­28; 1 Cor. 6:9­10.
7. Why, according to Arnold, is a "loving" homosexual rela-
   tionship no more permissible than other homosexual liaisons?
8. Can homosexuals be helped? How? What lessons does
   Howard and Ann's story (pp. 129­132) teach in this regard?
9. Is freedom from homosexuality possible? How? (See Rom.
   6:1­7; 2 Cor. 5:17; Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 4:1­6.)

                      Making It Count
1. Arnold is clear that "there is no biblical basis for making
   homosexuality a worse sin than any other" (p. 124). Search
   your own heart: Is your attitude more one of condemnation
   or of compassion? Have you ever treated a gay person
   wrongly or unjustly, simply because he or she was gay?
   How might you be able to make amends for this? What can
   you do to communicate God's love to a struggling homo-
   sexual? Ask God to lead you in this.
2. Locate a ministry that addresses the needs of homosexuals.
   Have one of its leaders share with your group about their

            Study 18: The Hidden War
                       Getting Ready
Consider the many reasons people use to support a woman's
right to abortion. List four reasons, and your response to each
of them.

                           Digging In
1. Is Arnold right in saying that there is an increasing lack of
   reverence for life and a lack of compassion for those who
   are least able to defend themselves? Why or why not?
2. Arnold quotes Hauerwas, who says, "We are willing our
   deaths" (p. 134). Can you think of different ways this might
   be true?
3. Why is Arnold so concerned about "the contraceptive men-
   tality"? What is he referring to, and why does he feel that
   the use of contraceptives is against God's will?
4. If you are using contraceptives, why? How do your reasons
   hold up in light of Arnold's warnings?
5. Arnold asserts that "abortion is murder ­ there are no ex-
   ceptions" (p. 136). Why, exactly, are there no exceptions?
6. Re-read the scripture passages Arnold cites. What, specif-
   ically, can you learn from these about the unborn child and
   his or her relationship to God?
7. Arnold quotes Bonhoeffer's warning against making dis-
   tinctions between life that is worth living and life that is not
   (p. 139). Why are such distinctions dangerous?
8. Is protest against abortions enough? Why not?
9. Has the church and your church in particular, failed to pro-
   vide an alternative to abortion? How?
10. What should our response be toward those who have had an
    abortion? Why?

                       Making it Count
1. What can you do to more faithfully uphold the sanctity of
   sex and of the unborn child? Maybe you need to learn more
   about natural family planning, or about adoption. Perhaps
   there is a crisis pregnancy center you can support. Maybe
32                                      S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

     you know a mother in crisis who needs simple practical help.
     Ask God to show you what to do.
2. Explore the possibility of how you as a group might practi-
   cally support a crisis pregnancy center (CPC). Designate
   someone in your group to contact a nearby CPC and make
   an appointment with the director. Learn how your group
   can help, and decide one thing you can do together.

                Study 19: What about
               Divorce and Remarriage?
                         Getting Ready
Think about why there are so many divorces today. What are
some of the causes (or factors and influences) that lead people
to divorce? Why is it so hard for people to stay married today?

                           Digging In
1. Arnold believes that divorce and remarriage is possibly "the
   toughest issue" that faces the church today. What makes it
   so tough?
2. Arnold cites some of the reasons people give for allowing
   divorce and remarriage. Can you think of any others? On
   what biblical grounds do Christians argue for the right to
   divorce and remarry?
3. What is Arnold's view of the "marriage covenant?" (See
   Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4­6.)
4. Why did Moses allow divorce to begin with? Did he ever
   sanction it per se? (See Deut. 24:1­4; Matt. 19:8.)
5. Only in Matthew's gospel is Jesus recorded as allowing di-
   vorce (Matt. 5:31­32; 19:8­9). Why do you think this is?
   How does Arnold explain this? (See also note 38, p. 199.)
6. Even if there are certain "valid" grounds for divorce, does
   this automatically free one to divorce, and to remarry after-

    wards? (For further study, see Hos. 3:1; 11:1­4; Matt. 6:14­
    15; Rom. 12:17­21; 1 Cor. 7:10 ­11, 29; Rom. 7:3.)
7. Why should someone stay faithful even after a marriage has
8. What is the meaning of true faithfulness according to
   Arnold? Why is adultery more than a physical act?
9. Arnold cites a question he asks of every couple he marries.
   He says there is "deep wisdom in it" (p. 148). How?
10. What two pitfalls does Arnold warn against (p. 150)? Have
    you fallen into either?

                       Making it Count
1. It is sad when couples live "parallel lives." If you are mar-
   ried, how is it going? Are you merely coexisting because
   you want or need to stay together? What prevents you from
   having a more fruitful, interactive marriage? Discuss this
   (privately) with your spouse. Would you agree to seek help
   if you can't seem to make progress? If not, why not?
2. There is great strength in a group that is committed to doing
   a task together. Discuss ways in which you might support a
   troubled marriage or help support a person who has been
   divorced and is trying to stay faithful. Maybe there's a couple
   in the church (or even in your group) that needs extra time
   together but cannot afford or find a baby-sitter they trust.
   Perhaps a single parent could use similar help. Think practi-
   cally and realistically as you explore different possibilities.

    Study 20: Therefore Let Us Keep Watch
                        Getting Ready
Reflect on the following passages that speak about John the
Baptist (Luke 1:5­17; 3:4­18; Matt. 14:1­12; Mark 6:14­29).
34                                     S E X , G O D & M A R R I AG E

What kind of person was John? What did he preach? How did
people respond to his message?

                          Digging In
1. Arnold is convinced that "many people today have a deep
   longing for purity and faithfulness" (p. 153). Has this been
   true in your experience?
2. What is involved in taking the struggle for purity really
3. Besides the rampant impurity of our age, what else do we
   need to fight against?
4. Why do you think there are so few people like John the Bap-
   tist today? If John the Baptist were here today, what do you
   think his message would be? Who might he go to?
5. Can you think of anybody today who is like John the Bap-
   tist? Who might this be and why?
6. Arnold points out that the Beast (i.e., the Evil One) holds
   sway over every country, and that his mark is "everywhere"
   (p. 157). What evidence of this could you add to Arnold's
7. What happens when God's will is fully and visibly lived
8. Think about the wedding feast of the lamb (Rev. 19:7­9;
   Matt. 22:1­14). If you were in charge of getting this banquet
   ready, would you be prepared? Would you even be ready to
   go? What would it mean to prepare for such a feast?
9. Arnold claims that "few people dare to stick out their
   necks" (p. 156). What about you? Are there ways you have
   become apathetic, complacent, or dulled by the spirit of our

                      Making it Count
1. Arnold pleads for more John the Baptists to come forth. To
   whom do you need to speak a word of repentance? How can
   you more actively protest against today's evils? Ask God to
   show you ways in which you can be a more faithful fighter
   for his cause. As you seek God's leading, ask God to show
   you how you also need to change.
2. Reflecting on all that you have shared together as a group
   and in light of what you have read, plan a banquet. Focus it
   on the theme of purity. Think of different ways to express
   what you have learned together. Be clear as to how you can
   prepare for it and what it will involve, and make sure each
   person has some way to contribute. Perhaps there are others
   outside your group whom you could invite.

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